Classic Books for Every Age

Not only did my parents read to me nightly growing up, but they also made a point to gift me with beautiful hardcover copies of classic books that have become cherished keepsakes. I want my daughter to grow up with the same tradition. Here’s my roundup of the best classics to gift and read for every age.

For Baby (0 - 12 months)

There’s a reason it’s the number one book for babies. This classic board book follows a hungry young caterpillar as he eats his way into becoming a beautiful butterfly. Huh, sounds kinda like my little Evy.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle, $6

The Wonderful Things You Will Be Book

For Toddlers (1 - 3 years)

One of the first dreams I had for my daughter when she was still growing inside me was that she would be brave, kind, and clever - regardless of what she decided to do with her life. This book perfectly captures that sentiment.

The Wonderful Things You Will Be by Emily Winfield Martin, $10

The Giving Tree Book

For Preschoolers (3 - 5 years)

I want to teach my daughter the gift of giving and of giving back to community, and this classic is a great start.

The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein, $11

For Early Grade Schoolers (6 - 9 years)

This is a beautiful story of love and friendship that will join the ranks of classics on Evy’s bookshelves.

Charlotte’s Webb by E.B. White, $13

For Late Grade Schoolers (9 - 12 years)

This book captured my imagination and is one I absolutely want to share with my daughter.

The Phantom Tollbooth, $18

Michelle Hadley

I’m a 37-year old SoCal single momma living her best life with a beautiful baby girl.


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